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Snickers: You’re Not You When You’re Hungry

It’s been a while since Snickers starter their new USP which is Hungry? Grab a Snickers and a tagline You’re not you when you’re hungry.

In the US, July 2009, they had a campaign about fighting hunger by eating Snickers. Which involved David Arquette, which lived on top of Madison Square Garden Marquee for two days to promote and gather donations to feed the Americans who don’t have enough money to buy enough food.

David Arquette attempting to gather 250,000 USD to fight hunger by being there for 2 days.
“The idea is to come to New York, the epicenter of American corporations and companies and people and tourists,” he said.

So for ease of viewing I compiled some of Snickers’ advertisements that is available for viewing on Youtube.

First stop, Aretha Franklin and Liza Minelli being their Diva self in a car during a road trip:

The next one,  Joan Collins & Stephanie Beacham also doing their diva moves in the Men’s Locker Room

The third one is a Russian Snickers Ad involving a famous Russian Ballet, Volochkova. Since it is Russian, I’ve placed the translation of the conversation in the Ad below.

Player 1: Diman (nickname for Dmitry). Its not a ballet.
Player 2: You should play tougher.
Volochkova: Kiss my tutu.
Player 1: Snickers? When you’re hungry, you’re not in shape. Better?
Volochkova Man: Better.

Voice-Over: You’re not you when you’re hungry. Don’t stop. Grab a Snickers.

The third ad involves Betty White playing American Football

The fourth one involves to Italina-American veteran actors Joe Pesci and Don Rickles on a party hooking-up

The next ad is used in most Asian countries (I know that it is played in Malaysia, Singapore, China and Phillipines) which involves a Geisha playing football (Soccer)

Snickers also had a contest on some countries where they ask people to create their own Snickers Ad about being hungry and the winner’s commercial concept will be used and of course there is a prize money

Here’s one entry from Switzerland

I hope you had fun viewing these videos and hope you enjoyed my stumbled upon.

Spread the Dorkiness, Geek-out, Nerd Herd Unite!!!

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